So why is it that the Local Police/Guardia Civil can’t go around all the favourite illegal camping sites moving on the camper homes? – I can do it in less than 20 mins
(Drive around that is – not move them on):
‘The Runway’
Just west of Spin Out
Punta Paloma
Ok, so they have to drive around 2 or 3 times before midnight – I’m sure that these illegal campers would soon get the message.
The Local Police are quick enough to move on the rest of us when we park on yellow lines in town or, heaven forbid, mount the pavement.
And several friends have recently received 120 euros fines for doing just that (the former)
At least we’re trying to stop and shop………In a town where’s there’s no car parks!
I’m sure none of us have anything against these pioneers who first discovered Tarifa, but if I was a campsite owner………
Well, nothing against them except when I want to kitesurf at Punta Paloma and find these guys have been there all night – all year probably – and there’s nowhere for the rest of us to park.
And as regards to hygiene – it must be more than a million dogs, kids and adults that have relieved themselves on the pig farm just west of Spin Out in the last 25 years.
No wonder there was an outbreak of Tarifa Measles amongst the resident campers there last year!
Can’t the campsite owners offer some sort of special Tariff for them?